Our dedicated and highly experienced team of tutors all bring a wealth of expertise into the different elements of what they teach on our Advanced Diploma. We carefully select experts and professionals from the industry. They bring to the course a wide range of different skills and expertise, supporting the breadth of learning our students graduate with.
Alongside our core team of regular lecturers, we invite in specialists who have worked on a broad range of award-winning motion picture projects to give guest lectures and deliver workshops.
Marc Specter is a professional dialogue editor and software developer. He has been part of Emmy, Bafta and Royal Television Society award-winning sound teams. He is also the creator of Kraken Dialogue Editors Toolkit, a widely used and well regarded tool for various aspects of dialogue workflow for film and tv. He has taught dialogue editing, workflow, and denoising on the course.
Head of Foley, Recordist and Editor
Karolina Jedrzejczyk is a foley artist, recordist and editor. As the Head of Foley at Sound Disposition, a sound post-production studio in Soho, London she has a vast array of specialist knowledge and skills in this area.
Throughout her career, Karo has contributed to a range of award-winning feature films, TV series and documentaries as well as animations and interactive and multidisciplinary projects. Her recent credits include Sky’s series ‘Bulletproof’, Babak Anvari’s thriller ‘Wounds’, Thomas Hardiman’s murder mystery ‘Medusa Deluxe’ and David Liban’s dark comedy ‘Publish or Perish’. Karo has also created foley effects for a number of interactive projects, such as the Android/iOS video games ‘The Gallery’ and ‘HUSH – Crane’.
Karo is an active member of the British sound industry organisation AMPS (the Association of Motion Picture Sound). Her work has been featured in an article for The Times ‘Foley artists make it into spotlight’ and she also appeared in ScreenSkills’ educational 360-degree immersive film ‘First Day: In Post’. Karolina Jedrzejczyk is an inspiring educator and teaches foley as a guest lecturer on our part-time Advanced Diploma for Audio Post Production for Film and TV.
Photo credit to Lucy Young.