During each two day course, we’ll give you a comprehensive overview of music theory and its key components using increasingly complex recognisable music tracks as a reference to the concepts taught.
With support and guidance, we’ll empower you to rethink how you act and react to certain situations or problems. This approach, when aligned to a musical context, results in speeding up your learning and gives you a more profound awareness of your own musicality. Come to the course with an open and curious mind and it will give you a distinct advantage for getting the most out of it. This mindset will also be beneficial to your creativity in general.
Everyone can learn music theory as long as the approach is very gradual and playful, and it is very important to have a basic comprehension of each element before moving on.
• Achieve an accurate view of the key elements of music
• Understand rhythmic fundamentals
• Approach a midi score and musical notation with understanding an of writing for different instruments and in different keys
• Approach scales commonly used and elements to create melodies
• Approach tonal and modal harmony and the use of chord progressions
• Define the balance of registers and sound space within a composition
• Develop a personal ear training routine
• Create individual practice routines to develop musical skills
• Investigate the creative processes
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