Ashyar Balsara

Following his graduation in 2017, Ashyar Balsara secured a job at Island City Studios in Mumbai as a Recording & Mixing Engineer. Joining the team at Island City before the studio was even functional, meant Ashyar played a key part in assisting with the final stages of construction as well as planning and setting up all of the audio equipment. He also supported with training the assistant engineers, which he says was a great learning experience.
Now, his primary responsibility is recording and mixing. He’s worked on many projects, including mixing Netflix true crime documentaries such as ‘Indian Predator’, wildlife documentaries, radio plays for BBC Radio 4 such as ‘The Jungle Book’, recording with independent artists on acclaimed, commercial Bollywood projects, movie background scores, podcasts and audiobooks. A highlight for Ashyar Balsara is the vast variety of work he gets to be involved with, and he hopes that going forward he will be able to continue helping facilitate a great studio experience to all his clients/ artists. He also aims to be continuously working to improve his studios’ systems and processes, a number of which have been adapted from the way the Custom 75 studio at the Institute is operated.