ARI Graduation 2016
What is the course like? What will I learn? What job will it lead to? What kind of gear and equipment will I be able to use? Who else will be on the course? Who will I meet at Abbey Road Institute…..the list goes on!
We recently interviewed some of our alumni and current students. We asked what they’re working on, what they learnt from the course, and what tips they have for you.
Natalia Milanesi | Current Student
First of all, I would definitely recommend ARI for people looking for music production and sound engineering courses. It is a one-year course, so you need to be aware that it’s gonna be a year of intensive studies. We have to learn a lot of stuff in a relatively short period of time, so you should be prepared to dedicate most of your time to the course and to put some effort on learning as much as you can during the year. You can also start thinking about projects you would like develop while studying here. I would say that having some background in music helps a lot as well, like playing an instrument and knowing basic concepts on music theory, sound theory, DAWs… So revising what you already know is also a good idea.
Tom Larner | Current Student
I think the best piece of advice I can give someone, is it doesn’t matter about your background. When I was applying I was so worried that I wouldn’t have the qualifications or experience to get into, let alone get through the course. The most important thing is to show your passion for music, and your willingness to be open minded and learn new things. Even if you started the course with a passion in a particular area, you never know what area you might end up enjoying.
Hugo Bechstein | Current Student
‘If you come to study at ARI London, you are going to spend half of the course (six months of your life), with your hands on a Neve. You are gonna use vintage and modern mics, preamps and outboard from Neumann, Teletronix, Chandler, Neve, SSL, Summit… to name just a few. And all of it, in a place that is located between Studio One, Studio Three, and what used to be George Martin’s office.
So my main recommendation for anyone wanting to study Sound Engineering and/or Music Production is: don’t think twice, you’ll be in the right place. In my career I’ve had the chance to study with some great musicians and teachers, but here I have received one of the best musical trainings of my life.
Nash Patel | Alumni | Working at Denmark Street Studios
‘Make sure you actually care about what you’re doing and spend as much time as possible at the institute building on the foundations of what you’re taught. Be willing to learn from the other students and help them in turn. You can learn a lot just by talking to like minded people.’
Tori Sunnucks | Alumni | Working at Abbey Road Studios & Audio Network
‘Work hard and practice things when you learn them so you know you can do them again. Take advantage of the facilities and people around you.’
Could this be you?
Find out more about the course here and start your application here.
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