Ollie Robinson

Ollie Robinson graduated from our Advanced Diploma in Music Production and Sound Engineering in 2019 and is now working as the Director of Armistice Records, the record company he set up before studying at the institute. The company has now entered into a joint partnership with Apex Studios in Hampshire to form Arcadia Music Group, and Ollie is also one of the two directors of the joint venture company.
His main responsibilities within this role are the recording and mixing of clients projects as well as arranging. He also does day to day management and client A&R for Arcadia Music Group and the respective subsidiaries under it, centered around the growth of the company.
A highlight for Ollie in his work is the variety of songs, artists and projects he gets work on, especially track recorded and produced at the studio called “She Knows” by Donny Brook. He says his greatest achievement to date is building the studio and says the Institute course equipped him with the skills to identify any problems that arose to immediately deal with it and fix it. His goals for the future are to start to work with more established bands and to develop the company brand as well as start working with clients and artists from countries all over the world.