An inspiring and incredibly well designed course that gave me the best musical education I could have dreamt of. Life-altering.

David Dargahi, Alumni

The curriculum is fantastic, extremely comprehensive, contemporary and relevant to today’s industry.

Andrea Mastroiacovo, Alumni

This course has helped to develop me into a well rounded producer, engineer, and musician. It has helped open doors to career opportunities that I would otherwise not have had access to. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the fantastic team, course, and resources available at Abbey Road Institute London!

Yvan Chambers, Alumni

The course taught me what it means to be a producer and engineer in the industry, I learned things I couldn’t have learned anywhere else.

Marta Di Nozzi, Alumni

Abbey Road Institute trains you to deliver high quality work that matches industry standards.

MartΓ­ Canales, Alumni

I had an incredible experience. The staff have so much to offer and cover so many different areas of music.

Luke Glazewski, Alumni

The Abbey Road Institute helped me to unlock my musical potential.

Cory Lawrence, Alumni

Applying for the diploma was the best thing I could have done for my career. I'm really amazed at how much I learnt in one year.

Lizzie Arnold, Alumni

There is some real visionary foresight in Abbey Road Institute being established to preserve the cultural legacy of Abbey Road.

Youth (Paul McCartney, The Verve, Killing Joke)

It’s a unique experience in so many ways, the location, the calibre of guest lecturers and access to Abbey Road Studios for classes is pretty amazing. There aren't many places you get to record a full orchestra!

Jason O’Bryan, Lecturer

Come with an open mind and a voracious appetite to soak up the magic! Be prepared to work hard - you’ll get out what you put in.

Ian Ramage, Lecturer